A funny but scary problem

Now this is funny and scary at the same time. I ran into a problem which well, most of you(actually even me would term as stupid). This post is however not to show display my stupidity but something else.

Here is a snippet of code for taking an user input.

<p>Register if you wish to receive updates about the broadcast.</p>

<input type="text" id="email_address" />

<input type="submit" value="SUBMIT" class="submitBt" onclick="register();" />

Now what this piece of code does is, take an input (email) from the user and when the user clicks on the user a register() function is called which takes the email and sends it to the database.

function register() {

var email_address = document.getElementById("email_address").value;


url: '',

type: 'POST',

data: {

query: data_


success: function(data)


window.location = "";



Now what was the problem with this code. I tried to figure it out for like 4-5 hours. Very simple javascript, nothing wrong with it. Takes the data that the user types in the input area and the register() function is called when the button is clicked. Stuff that was bothering me more was, it was working perfectly in firefoz but not in chrome. why? WHY? WHYYY??

So you see, what I am doing here is –

1. On the click of the button, I am submitting the form as well as calling the javascript function.

2. Now well, since I haven’t given any action method, so where is it going to submit, ofcourse to the same page, duh!

3. So firefox called the register() function first, which in turn changed the window.location to our tq.html page, but chrome just called the ajax function and submitted the page, so it just reloaded.

Well! I was looking too hard at the javascript and not at the html code. Had I looked at the HTML, I might have found the problem soon. Small things in life that make you smile and small coding horror like this can make you wanna break your keyboard đŸ™‚

Autotest Problems

Here is some problem that I encountered while ruby on rails development. You might know about TDD (Test Driven Development). Now since autotest can be used to speed up and automate the testing process somewhat and spork can be used to reduce the amount of time require d to run the tests. This becomes crucial that your tests are running smoothly.

The problem I encountered was that autotest continuously kept on testing all the cases.  Autotest is supposed to run only when there is any change made to the files that are referred in the test cases. So my autotest wasnt stopping even when I wasnt making any change. Autotest is a CPU intensive task, so it was necessary for me to find a workaround so it stops testing again and again till I actually make some changes..

The workaround to stop autotest from running if you dont make any change is  to add these lines to your .autotest file

autotest.add_exception %r{^\./db}
autotest.add_exception %r{^\./log}

My .autotest file looks like

require ‘autotest/growl’ # enable pop-up windows
require ‘autotest/restart’ # optional: forces autotest to pick the changes to this file
require ‘autotest/timestamp’ # optional: shows timestamps for test runs

# filter out VCS files and other garbage to reduce HDD usage

Autotest.add_hook :initialize do |autotest|
%w{.git .svn .hg .DS_Store ._* vendor tmp log doc}.each do |exception|
autotest.add_exception %r{^\./db}
autotest.add_exception %r{^\./log}

# do not clear console before running tests
Autotest::Growl::clear_terminal = false